Champion For Christ

Our Youth Ministry seeks to mobilize the church’s young people to fulfill God’s purpose for their lives. Our mission is to, Honor Jesus Christ with our lives and equip the Youth of Faith In Christ Church Worldwide. We will impact others with the word of God, reach out to the lost, and help to settle them in the body of Christ. Our aim is that Jesus Christ is glorified in all that we say and do. To this end, our meetings are geared to be dynamic worship and praise, prayer, and intercession, and Holy Ghost experiences while allowing for warm fellowship in every gathering. In these services, we are always impacted by the ministry and gifts of our peers as God uses them for His glory. In addition, the youth is committed to propagating the Gospel of peace. To this end, we present Jesus Christ: “the truth, and the life” John 6:14 to the confused and dying.
At Faith in Christ, we seek to be faithful to the Apostles’ doctrine: repentance, water baptism in the name of Jesus, and the infilling of the Holy Spirit and evidence of speaking in other languages as the Spirit gives the utterance.

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